THE ROAD I CHOSE The moment of despair or the moment of solace in the middle of the storm…I could never decide between the two… It’s been so many months now I have lost my count on the calendar, I look out my window and fetch my eyes to infinity to discover those footsteps… The sound of those footsteps made my heart skip a beat in anxiousness… I always wished time could feel my heart beating and for once pounding slower than me… But time was always a major condition between us… Had I been God I would have surely frozen those few moments when lovers meet and get captivated by each other’s aura…But thank God I'm not God, else for me, time would never travel when I met you... Alas, when I think of you in my mind, in my dreams it seems so authentic and valid… Yet when so-called reality strikes or should I say when I wake up from my dreams everything just perish into nothingness… Robert Frost said in his The Road Not Taken to choose between the two roads and I also chose a road b...