The pages of my book were unwritten The ink of the my emotions was jammed in, inhibition I knew, where my words were locked But the key was put on a clock The arms which were ticking towards that moment That one moment....which would wing the words And they would fly in the sky of my pages like birds... Empty pages were fluttering with the wind Because they had no weight of the words from the heart The book was longing to be wrapped in the ink Like I was longing to feel the weight of emptiness, from the start... When that moment glanced Like a soft breeze on my face I saw, I felt the silence that was masked And slowly revealed the trace The traces of those birds Which in the book were unheard That moment voiced my pages With the sound of all those images Which I let surpass with the years And were hidden under the cover of tears The rain was predicted by the time Poured on my skin And I felt my words pouring from inside, were mine I had to emboss them on my book to give it ...