My Cousin
We all talk about our brothers and sisters but seldom find single children talking about their siblings. This poem is for all those single children whose lives were enriched by the presence of their cousins. And for me, my beautiful cousin... She loves cats I love dogs yet when she comes to my house we spend most hours talking about her cats chasing a mouse I look into her eyes And see the twinkle of joy I turn to my mirror I have the same twinkle On seeing my cousin's sister rarely, so rarely Like a bunch of chipmunks Giving birthday bumps We would play for days and days Growing up would get us daily amazed In the same house being together raised I look into her eyes And see the twinkle of joy Then I turn to my mirror I have the same twinkle On seeing my cousin's sister rarely, so rarely Looking similar Dressing in one color We stepped into the same shoes I hold her hand When she's scared I give a push...