It's been days and days...And each day felt like a decade. Each time she strikes a date on the calendar, it literally bleeds my heart out. I'm wounded inside out, yet I'm on this drive to tear us both apart. I just wish to silently take away all of her pain and put her to a sound sleep. I'm ready to be the devil as long as my angel is smiling. She refuses to smile, she declines all joy, and she repudiates elation. All she is ingesting is a routine of sadness, a day full of grief, and a night of appalling illusion. I loathe myself for being this to her. She is oblivious. But I know the truth. Just like day and night follow each other but can never coexist. I guess I'm always going to be on the lookout for her. But never show up in person. Call me a coward or call me insane, but all I ever wanted is her to be happy. I can't sleep without hearing her voice. I can't call her, I don't want to shatter her with my brutal conduct. I'll just have to...