...Because moon still attracts tide

"Really sorry man...Sorry for your loss"...Heard a man saying these words to Andrew on his girlfriend's second death anniversary... I really din't know him,I'd just come to give company to a friend ...I reckoned that, these words must have run down his spine and would directly target upon his heart to his eyes, bringing out the hidden tears... but I was flabbergasted by his impetuous expressions changing like the seasons in seconds...He glued both his lips very hard, looked down in a mirror, shut his watery eyes for a short lapse of time and then suddenly woke up from that short hibernation..His lips were still stitched together and he looked at the man, held him from his arms and smiled..The amazing thing about his smile was that it was not forced..As if laughing really hard inside, but expressing just a fraction of it...Its like when you look at a cloud, it's really grey and turning black..You'd expect it to explode with a huge amount of shimmering drops enough to fill all the rivers and lakes..But you are disappointed when not even one tenth of the volume expected falls on your faces but still making you refreshed and reborn..
"Sometimes even less is more".....
Then Andrew gracefully got up to his tall embellished figure, wearing a long black overcoat, over a black hand knitted sweater and dark blue jeans....He put his hands in his black coat's pockets and walked out of that profound room..I was curious to know where he went...So i followed him...He was just walking and every step he took forward, he walked alone...The streets of Delhi were over whelmed with people..But he walked alone...It was a really chilly that morning...Even though we were in same city I felt we were in totally different spheres...He walked in his own world where he was not cold and I was freezing, like it was snowing...Somehow, I was liking this chill...He finally stopped and sat on a bench outside Wenger's bakery in CP.. He just sat there...

I kept my eyes fixed on him far from infinity...The boy didn't move only his eyes wandered...Like a baby always looks for his mother because only she gives him the sense of security...There were so many couples roaming around hand in hand..Men had their arms around their ladies....Some were in love some had just started dating and some were not even close to love..But all of them had just someone to keep them warm in their hearts in such a chilly 4th November morning...

I sensed he's feeling alone, maybe he used to come with his girl to eat cheese cake there and maybe he is missing all of that..

Just to make this morning more beautiful and more passionate a
slightly sensuous breeze started to blow..His wandering eyes just stopped at the leaves which were shedding from the tree above him...The leaves were pale green...But one of them was brownish yellow bifurcated into leaflets...Even though the leaf had fallen from its tree the veins on it still pumped life in the departed....The wind made it alive...The gravy leaf was dancing around him..He watched it go zig zag..The leaf looked alive, more alive than it ever was..It must have swayed with the wind when the tree possessed it, though was bound..But it became free and alive after it died..I felt it lived it all in those last moments..Ironical...
But that gentle breeze made the morning more cold and freezing..I could barely stand, so I started rubbing my hands to generate some mild heat...The breeze was flowing in regular intervals like a sinusoidal wave...Every puff of air the flew around me, made me shiver..And the one flew around him made him warm..Every time there would be a whiff, it would kiss his cheeks and fleet his hair on his face, making his green watery eyes sparkle more...He would just tenderly encrouch himself and smile..Every time that happened I would smile but didn't understand what he must feel...So I thought, I should just stop spying and let him be...
I woke up that fine morning of May...It was not that hot outside...Seemed pleasant..An idle day to roam around and click photographs for my magazine...I got ready, packed my camera and left my house..Took a metro till Rajeev Chawk...I hate this crowded station..No room to move..Also the weather became hot..Hate sun, hate sun, hate sun!!!!
I was walking and suddenly I saw something...There was a white teddy bear wearing a brown muffler smiling at me..I laughed because it reminded me of winters, the chill and the shiver..So i bought it, as it was my birthday that day..I named her "peach"...It became windy all of a sudden, making my skirt flow around my legs..I had to hold it down, din't want to be the second Marilyn Monroe ...I wrapped up my stuff..And took the metro for home...I was looking at the pictures I clicked and loved the composition of some because the lovely weather before my skirt accident...I opened the locks of my house and went to took a shower..It was relaxing..I was pretty relaxed and thoughtful....So I just opened the paper bag having my peach and i cut a small cake with her to celebrate...I noticed its white color and suddenly a smile came on my face because I remembered something...That wintery morning of 4th November...I turned on the AC and room was cool...I turned off the lights and lied down...I took my pink blanket but hugged it close to me...The room was cold and so I snuggled more into the blanket...not to be warm temperature wise just to feel that warmth inside...It was something new...Every time the cool breeze in the room touched my body, i'd feel warm...Every time a chill would be arrowed in my spine i'd feel that I'm not alone...I also not with some one...I am just with this feeling...This amazing feeling..This feeling made me turn the AC off and open the windows..It felt so good, so happy and so much in love...I don't have a person in my life but when I closed my eyes I'd smile because of this new sense of pure, unadulterated warmth..Ironically this warmth came from this blazing chill... I get what andrew must have felt that day when he was smiling...He felt love..In a unique form..In a form that every one feels some time or the other...the solace of marine drive, the colors of setting sun, the sound of chirping birds, the blanket of shining stars, a peaceful walk on the beach, an underwater dive into marine,the morning coffee,the drizzle on skin or maybe wenger's bakery for some and for the rest...the blankets they sleep into and the pillow they sleep onto...Its just my fancy LOVE...
And who m I...I am Jade, a freelance photographer...I am just sitting on the couch with Andrew who is titling this narration...Im gifting this write up to him on our 5th anniversary and today is..4th November...Nostalgia...And I know I love Andrew a lot..I look at his green eyes and I look at myself and think my name is so perfect because I'm preserved in his iris..
Now I feel that unique love everyday...But now i have some one..Its like my words have now found their ink...:) :)


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