It's been days and days...And each day felt like a decade.

Each time she strikes a date on the calendar, it literally bleeds my heart out. I'm wounded inside out, yet I'm on this drive to tear us both apart. I just wish to silently take away all of her pain and put her to a sound sleep. I'm ready to be the devil as long as my angel is smiling. She refuses to smile, she declines all joy, and she repudiates elation. All she is ingesting is a routine of sadness, a day full of grief, and a night of appalling illusion.

I loathe myself for being this to her. She is oblivious. But I know the truth. Just like day and night follow each other but can never coexist. I guess I'm always going to be on the lookout for her. But never show up in person. Call me a coward or call me insane, but all I ever wanted is her to be happy.  I can't sleep without hearing her voice. I can't call her, I don't want to shatter her with my brutal conduct. I'll just have to hold it in till I crash to sleep.

I'm going to speak with her but in my mind. Actually, I can see her sitting beside me wearing her beautiful white dress. Calm and smiling. This is how I like her. She looks splendid. When she laughs and plays, I just don't want her to stop. I gently wait till she is happy setting my hair with her soft warm hands. I like to rendezvous with her calm self when I'm high... This has kept me going so far...

You look like a vision
In my frantic illusion 
How can I forego this beautiful possession
For whom I have this ultimate obsession

In my shallow beauty, you are drenched
How can you see me smile?
When my lips are barely clenched
To stop those tears buried in exile

I see your face
And a grin arches on mine
Your beauty is eternal
Thy  bliss is imperial

Have you lost all your conviction in me?
Worst than an evil
Me, is what you perceive?

I've stopped thinking
I've stopped speculating
You are a myth to me
Your love is out of my reach

My entire love only functions for you
You don't see what I see is true
I'm the dusk and you're my dawn
I'll always be there when you close your eyes
And wrap you in the blanket of night

You say you are darkness and I'm your light
Why don't you end this fight
And paint us grey

You don't see the bigger picture
Your thought process is hypothetical
You are the flower I nourish
I don't want thorns around you to flourish

Do you hear yourself?
You are fabricating those thorns
What bigger picture do you speak of?
I fail to relate to your theory, all morphed

You think I'm having a bash
Seeing you pale and exhausted
My soul is burning my senses into ashes
I have no words to describe how I feel
When my only charm of life has no zeal

Stop the madness
Stop this curse
Come back to me, my love...

Oh! How your words fired a bullet into my chest
Instead of pain, I feel comfort
You know, when juice is squeezed out of an orange
You further squeeze bitterness into the bowl
You are that unaware bowl
I don't want bitterness to enter your soul

What did you leave me to argue about?
Your whole orientation is crafted around this doubt
You say I lost my conviction
But didn't you?
We are the sailors of the same ship
Trying to ride along with different trips
Why do you expect us to converge?
When life itself is a mixture of roads that always diverge

You are used to infinite sweetness
You won't like this devil in me

I'm used to you
Without you, there's already a devil residing on me

You are worthy of a golden throne
Why thou you settle for a chair made of rock and stone?

Royalty would choke me
And devour me from inside
I'm not a princess
Just a girl who wants to feel precious
In your eyes
In your life

What more wits do I present before you
Because what you said has credibility of wisest of wise
I just want to go into a slumber

And never want to face this reality
I now want to wake up to a new morning in a meadow
Where you play your flute with melody and mellow
Where you chuckle and giggle
Smile and laugh
And are free from all dissolute thoughts
When shall I find you in a white dress dancing in that meadow?

We may be dusk and dawn
We may not be together drawn
We may be wind and breeze
And never walk together along

But just like the flight in a bird
and light in the sun
You are forever in my heart woven
Because you have always been my savior
We'll soon find a meadow for both of us
But for now, close your eyes
In my lap, lay your head 
And let my arms cress


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