Anti and matter battle in me

I live with my antimatter
I live with it every day
I collide, I rupture, I detonate
I never cease to cease a catastrophe 
The matter and, 
the antimatter
Are eating my white and,
grey matter
I’m yet to find-
Which one is “friend"
and, which one is “foe" matter

I suffer minor explosions every day
I heal myself in every way
They say it’s not good to be anti-christ-
a devil may enter through an unholy hole
But fucking satan refuses to buy my soul
He just sits in me
Busy buying other mortal souls
I can’t make a bargain
I am too afraid of the darkness

going to touch my matter
going to blow my matter
neither a friend, 
nor a foe

I still wake up with both colliding 
The moment my brain comes to know
That it’s awake
And still combatting 
a battle of reasons, anti or not
Leaving me freakishly exhausted
How am I, then, expected,
to face the social nonsense?
With the two explosive poles 
Knitted in one, half mine, soul  

The day I erupt
I’ll cry tears of lava
Scream the whirlpools
Smell vengeance
And hear no more
I don’t cease catastrophe
I, definitely, won’t cease the forthcoming 

The bottle is bottled up, 
to brim
I will let it flow
Not because it needs to,
Because it will
As is the law of physics
Anti and matter 
Don’t exist together
If they do
You’ll never see the light of the day
or the dark of the night
You would only see
the unseen,
the unheard,
And I want to see that,
happening, in me..


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