The immortal power of phallus possession

Watcha' readin’ pumpkin pie?
Sigmund Freud’s penis envy
What on earth be that?
Ah! the possession of phallus
I don’t get what you say, dear Venus 
Don’t worry mama, neither do I…

Oh! Mother, Freud is playing with my mind
Arousing an interest, a desire 
For sexuality, sex
I’ve been having dreams, 
Ever so lusty, ever so wet
That it's me lying on the bed
Instead of you, next to your man

Run to the forest, dear
Get bananas for your libido
A radish, for a banana, may be too thick
A carrot, for color
Catch some salmon for the bear
Feed it first, then bring it home for dinner
Here, take my knife
And get some spiders to fry
And some tomatoes to sundry

You're back early, girl
Jesus Christ! What be that?
Oh! Mother,
I had my first complete sexual experience
I jumped in the river
Caught the salmon
Took my clothes off, while expecting the bear
A young man offered his penis in the phallus
I took it and chopped it right off
Then I killed him for our dinner

I don’t need a banana, radish, or carrot
I possess a phallus now
I don’t get no penis envy anymore
Ha! My Venus has a penis of her own
Well, did you at least get the spiders?
Oh! that I did..
Dear, daddy’s home and has a phallus
Go to his room and do it properly
Without chopping his tool off
While I marinate this young man
And prepare a hearty dinner


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